Monday, September 22, 2008


(The Ultimate Motorshow)

at Singapore Expo

This motorshow was on 18 - 21 Sep 2008. Went to singapore expo to support dear . He was 1 of the exhibitor. This was my 1st time went to motorcar show =)

on our way to expo on Sunday. Inside the Bus.As u guys can see, my eyes veri small.Cos, Not enough sleep-_-


Guess what, this is roger fav ger.He told me that she is pretty!

Yeah Yeah! Winner! :x LOL

My Fav Car!! Nice interior! Full of Diamond. Love*
Too many pics to upload. But, i only select some of the pics to upload. that's AlL.bYE!

Friday, September 5, 2008

A BIG DAY ON 5 SEPT 2008!!!!!

guess what? is my dearest sister BIG DAYYYYY

Early in the morning, ard 5am.. me and fen(godsis), have to wake up to prepare our stuff. Make up and hairdo took us for 2hrs! =_=" LOL
Total we have 6 "JieMei". play game and planned for afew games to play. think abt 7 games to sabo the groom and those "BROs". damn fun lah.if they don't co-operate, then we will not let them come in.and not forgetting ANG BAO!! OMG.. they gt more den 10 brothers! but due to the timing constraint, we didnt play finish all the games.

(PART 1)

baby willson and bro =)


Mark's Cousins..

(PART 2)
After that, ard 9.30am reach groom hse for Wedding Tea Ceremony.... took lots of pictures there. But the photo is not wid me.. is wid the camera man~!


(PART 3)

(11.30am)reached st Anthony church. Thanks Bernard for his help =) hehe...

(PART 4) and... Again.... headed to my hse for Wedding Tea Ceremony. oMg.. i tot i was not involve.. but my parent said that i have to order tea for them=)

finally all the relative went home at 3plus. my mum make up artist arrived at 4pm. Help her to make up and hairdo. Whereas me and fen, we just ask her to style our hair.hehe..
(PART 5)

Ard 6pm, headed down to hilltop for dinner. All "jie mei" and those "bros" are more earlier than us. All stand by.LOL.. my job is to ask them to register and told them their table number =) whereas some jiemei and bros asher/MC.
The ballroom

Today really was a tiring but it was fun day!!!!